6.1810 2024 Lecture 5: System Call Entry/Exit Today: user -> kernel transition system calls, exceptions, device interrupts enter the kernel in the same way lots of careful design and important detail important for isolation (security) and performance What needs to happen when a program makes a system call, e.g. write()? [CPU | user/kernel diagram] CPU resources are set up for user execution (not kernel) 32 registers (incl sp), pc, privilege mode, satp what needs to happen? switch to supervisor mode save 32 user registers and pc switch to kernel page table switch to kernel stack jump to kernel C code additional goals don't let user code interfere with user->kernel transition e.g. don't execute user code in supervisor mode! transparent to user code -- resume without disturbing most important for device interrupts Today I'll focus on the user/kernel transition and ignore what the system call implemenation does once in the kernel preview: write() write() returns ecall User ---------------------------------------------------------------- sret Kernel uservec in trampoline.S userret in trampoline.S usertrap() in trap.c usertrapret() in trap.c syscall() in syscall.c ^ sys_write() in sysfile.c ---| let's watch an xv6 system call entering/leaving the kernel xv6 shell writing its $ prompt user/sh.c line 137: write(2, "$ ", 2); user/usys.S line 29 this is the write() function, still in user space a7 tells the kernel what system call we want -- SYS_write = 16 ecall -- triggers the user/kernel transition let's start by putting a breakpoint on the ecall user/sh.asm search for : write()'s ecall is at address 0xc24 $ make qemu-gdb $ gdb (gdb) b *0xc24 (gdb) c (gdb) delete 1 (gdb) x/3i 0xc22 let's print the registers (gdb) p $pc (gdb) p $sp $pc and $sp are at low addresses -- user memory starts at zero C on RISC-V puts function arguments in a0, a1, a2, &c write() arguments: a0 is fd, a1 is buf, a2 is n (gdb) p $a0 (gdb) p/x $a1 (gdb) x/s $a1 (gdb) p $a2 the shell is printing the $ prompt, as we expected what page table is in use? (gdb) p/x $satp not very useful qemu: control-a c, info mem there are mappings for seven pages [address space diagram -- 3.4.pdf] instructions x2, data, stack guard (no PTE_U), stack then two high pages: trapframe and trampoline data and code for user->kernel transition there are no mappings for kernel memory, devices, physical mem let's execute the ecall (gdb) stepi where are we? (gdb) p $pc a very high virtual address qemu: info mem we're still using the user page table $pc is in the very last page (gdb) x/6i $pc this is uservec in kernel/trampoline.S it's the start of the kernel's trampoline trap handling code (gdb) p $sp (gdb) p $a0 the registers hold user values (except $pc) trampoline: holds the very first instructions executed as supervisor for trap must be in user page table, since ecall doesn't change satp. at the top to avoid punching a hole in user virtual address space. protected: no PTE_U flag. can we tell that we're in supervisor mode? I don't know a way to find the mode directly but observe $pc is executing in a page with no PTE_U flag lack of crash implies we are in supervisor mode how did we get here? ecall did four things: change mode from user to supervisor save $pc in $sepc (gdb) p/x $sepc jump to $stvec (i.e. set $pc to $stvec) (gdb) p/x $stvec the kernel previously set $stvec, before jumping to user space disable (really postpone) further interrupts (gdb) p/x $sstatus SIE 0x2 is clear (the 0x20 is SPIE -- previous) note: ecall lets user code switch to supervisor mode but ecall also sets $pc = $stvec so the kernel immediately gains control, since only it can set $stvec so the user program itself can't execute as supervisor what needs to happen now? we can't execute kernel C code yet... * save the 32 user register values (for later transparent resume) * switch to kernel page table * set up stack for kernel C code * jump to kernel C code -- usertrap() why didn't the RISC-V designers have ecall do these things for us? to give O/S designers scope for very fast syscalls / exceptions / intrs maybe O/S can handle some traps w/o switching page tables maybe we can map BOTH user and kernel into a single page table so no page table switch required maybe some registers do not have to be saved maybe no stack is required for simple system calls so ecall does as little as possible can we just write the 32 registers somewhere convenient in physical memory? no, even supervisor mode is constrained by the page table and the current page table is still the user page table, not kernel can we first set satp to the kernel page table? supervisor mode is allowed to set satp... but we don't know the address of the kernel page table at this point! we need one of the 32 general purpose registers to hold an address of the memory into which we'll save the 32 user registers but all 32 hold user values which we must preserve for eventual return two parts to the solution for where to save the 32 user registers: 1) xv6 maps a 2nd kernel page, the trapframe, into the user page table at a known virtual address, always the same: 0x3fffffe000 trapframe has space to hold the saved registers the kernel gives each process a different trapframe page see struct trapframe in kernel/proc.h (but we still need a register to hold the trapframe's address...) 2) RISC-V provides the sscratch register supervisor code can use sscratch for temporary storage user code isn't allowed to use sscratch, so no need to save see this at the start of uservec in trampoline.S: csrw sscratch, a0 then load TRAPFRAME into a0 (gdb) stepi (gdb) p/x $sscratch 0x2, the old first argument (fd) (gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi (gdb) p/x $a0 address of the trapframe in the user address space now uservec() has 32 saves of user registers to the trapframe, via a0 so they can be restored later, when the system call returns let's skip them (gdb) b *0x3ffffff07e (gdb) c now we're setting up to be able to run C code in the kernel couldn't before this, since C code would have overwritten user registers and stack; thus trampoline is assembler. first a stack previously, kernel put a pointer to top of this process's kernel stack in trapframe look at struct trapframe in kernel/proc.h "ld sp, 8(a0)" fetches the kernel stack pointer remember a0 points to the trapframe recall at this point the only kernel data mapped in the page table is the trapframe, so everything has to be loaded from there. (gdb) stepi retrieve hart ID into tp (gdb) stepi we want to jump to the kernel C function usertrap(), which the kernel previously saved in the trapframe. "ld t0, 16(a0)" fetches it into t0, we'll use it in a moment, after switching to the kernel page table (gdb) stepi load a pointer to the kernel pagetable from the trapframe into t1, then load it into satp, and issue an sfence to clear the TLB. (gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi why isn't there a crash when satp is changed? after all we just switched page tables while executing! answer: the trampoline page is mapped at the same virtual address in the kernel page table as well as every user page table (gdb) p $pc qemu: info mem with the kernel page table we can now use kernel functions and data the jr t0 is a jump to usertrap() (using t0 retrieved from trapframe) (gdb) p/x $t0 (gdb) p usertrap (gdb) stepi (gdb) layout src we're now in usertrap() in kernel/trap.c all traps from user-space follow the path we've just seen system calls, device interrupts, exceptions Q: what if a device interrupt occurs while executing in the trampoline code? usertrap() looks in the scause register to see the trap cause (gdb) p $scause what is 8? page 97 of riscv-privileged-X.pdf scause = 8 is a system call ("Environment call from U-mode") (gdb) next ... until syscall() (gdb) step (gdb) next now we're in syscall() kernel/syscall.c myproc() uses tp to retrieve current struct proc * p->xxx is usually a slot in the current process's struct proc syscall() retrieves the system call number from saved register a7 p->trapframe points to the trapframe, with saved registers p->trapframe->a7 holds 16, SYS_write p->trapframe->a0 holds write() first argument -- fd p->trapframe->a1 holds buf p->trapframe->a2 holds n Q: why can't this code just look at a7? why must it look in p->trapframe? (gdb) next ... (gdb) p num then dispatches through syscalls[num], a table of functions (gdb) p syscalls[num] (gdb) next ... (gdb) step aha, we're in sys_write. at this point system call implementations are fairly ordinary C code. let's skip to the end, to see how a system call returns to user space. (gdb) finish notice that write() produced console output (the shell's $ prompt) syscall()'s p->tf->a0 assignment causes (eventually) a0 to hold the return value the C calling convention on RISC-V puts return values in a0 (gdb) next back to usertrap() (gdb) p p->trapframe->a0 sys_write() returned 2 -- two characters -- $ and space (gdb) next (gdb) step now we're in usertrapret(), which starts the process of returning to the user program we need to prepare for the next user->kernel transition stvec = uservec (the trampoline), for the next ecall trapframe satp = kernel page table, for next uservec trapframe sp = top of kernel stack trapframe trap = usertrap trapframe hartid = hartid (in tp) at the very end, the trampoline uses the RISC-V sret instruction we need to prepare a few registers that sret uses sstatus -- "previous mode" field = 0 -- user mode sepc -- the saved user program counter (from trap entry) we'll need to switch to the user page table not OK in usertrapret(), since it's not mapped in the user page table. need a page that's mapped in both user and kernel page table -- the trampoline. jump to userret in trampoline.S (gdb) b 129 (gdb) c (gdb) tui disable (gdb) step (gdb) x/8i $pc a0 holds user page table address the csrw satp switches to the user address space (gdb) stepi (gdb) stepi (qemu) info mem now 32 loads from the trapframe into registers these restore the user registers let's skip over them (gdb) b *0x3ffffff11a (gdb) c a0 is restored last, after which we can no longer get at TRAPFRAME (gdb) si (gdb) p/x $a0 -- the return value from write() now we're at the sret instruction sret: copies sepc to pc changes mode to user re-enables interrupts (really copies SPIE to SIE) continues at new pc... (gdb) p $pc (gdb) p/x $sepc (gdb) stepi (gdb) p $pc now we're back in the user program ($pc = 0xc28) returning 2 from the write() function (gdb) p/x $a0 and we're done with a system call! summary much of the complexity is due to: isolation speed a few design questions to ponder: can an evil program abuse the entry mechanism? can you think of ways to make the hardware or software simpler? can you think of ways to make traps faster?