6.1810 2024 Lecture 1: O/S overview Overview * What's an operating system? [user/kernel diagram] - h/w: CPU, RAM, disk, net, &c - user applications: sh, cc, DB, &c - kernel services: FS, processes, memory, network, &c - system calls * What is the purpose of an O/S? - Multiplex the hardware among many applications - Isolate applications for security and to contain bugs - Share data among cooperating applications - Abstract the hardware for portability, convenience * Design tensions make O/S design interesting - efficient vs abstract/portable/general-purpose - powerful vs simple interfaces - flexible vs secure - portable vs exploit new hardware and interfaces * You'll be glad you took this course if you... * are curious about how computer systems work * need to track down bugs or security problems * care about high performance Class structure * Online course information: web site -- schedule, assignments, labs https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.1810/ or search with Google -- all material is public Piazza -- announcements, discussion, lab help * Lectures * O/S ideas * case study of xv6, a small O/S, via code and xv6 book * lab background * O/S papers * submit a question about each reading, before lecture. * Labs: The point: hands-on experience Mostly one week each. Three kinds: Systems programming (due next week...) O/S primitives, e.g. thread switching. O/S kernel extensions to xv6, e.g. network. For help: Ask+answer questions on Piazza Attend TA office hours Discussion is great, but please do not look at others' solutions! * Grading: 50% labs, based on tests (the same tests you run). 30% exams -- midterm, final. 15% lab check-off meetings: we'll ask you about randomly-selected labs. 5% home-work questions Much of the course grade is from labs. Start them early! Introduction to UNIX system calls * Applications interact with the O/S via "system calls." you'll use system calls in the first lab. and extend and improve them in subsequent labs. * I'll show some application examples, and run them on xv6. xv6 is an O/S we created specifically for this class. xv6 is patterned after UNIX, but far simpler. why UNIX? an ancestor of many of today's O/Ss. e.g. Linux and MacOS. learning about xv6 will help you understand many other O/Ss. you'll be able to digest all of xv6 -- no mysteries. accompanying book explains how xv6 works, and why xv6 has two roles in 6.1810: example of core mechanisms starting point for most of the labs xv6 runs on a RISC-V CPU, as in 6.1910 (6.004) you'll run xv6 inside the qemu machine emulator * example: ex1.c, copy input to output read bytes from input, write them to the output % make qemu $ ex1 you can find these example programs via the schedule on the web site ex1.c is written in C C is probably the most common language for O/S kernels read() and write() are system calls they look like function calls, but actually jump into the kernel. in a way that preserves user/kernel isolation. first read()/write() argument is a "file descriptor" (FD) passed to kernel to tell it which "open file" to read/write an FD connects to a file/pipe/socket/&c the FD must previously have been opened a process can open many files, have many FDs UNIX convention: fd 0 is "standard input", 1 is "standard output" programs don't have to know where input comes from, or output goes they can just read/write FDs 0 and 1 second read() argument is the address of some memory into which to read third argument is the number of bytes to read read() may read less, but not more return value: number of bytes actually read, or -1 for error read()/write() do not care about the format of the data UNIX I/O is 8-bit bytes interpretation is application-specific, e.g. database records, C source, &c where do file descriptors come from? * example: ex2.c, create a file open() creates (or opens) a file, returns a file descriptor (or -1 for error) FD is a small integer FD indexes into a per-process table maintained by kernel [user/kernel diagram] $ ex2 $ cat out different processes have different FD name-spaces so FD 3 usually means different things to different processes these examples ignore errors -- don't be this sloppy! Figure 1.2 in the xv6 book lists system calls or look at UNIX man pages, e.g. "man 2 open" * what happens when a program calls a system call like open() or write()? looks like a function call, but it's actually a special instruction CPU saves some user registers CPU increases privilege level CPU jumps to a known "entry point" in the kernel now running C code in the kernel kernel calls system call implementation sys_open() looks up name in file system it might wait for the disk it updates kernel data structures (file block cache, FD table) restore user registers reduce privilege level jump back to calling point in the program, which resumes we'll see more detail later in the course * I've been typing to UNIX's command-line interface, the shell. the shell prints the "$" prompts. the shell is an ordinary user program, not part of the kernel. the shell lets you run UNIX command-line utilities useful for system management, messing with files, development, scripting $ ls $ ls > out $ grep x < out UNIX supports other styles of interaction too GUIs, servers, routers, &c. but time-sharing via the shell was the original focus of UNIX. * example: ex3.c, create a new process the shell creates a new process for each command you type a process is a running program, with memory, stack, kernel state isolated from other processes to contain bugs ex3.c the fork() system call creates a new process the kernel makes a copy of the calling process instructions, data, registers, file descriptors, current directory "parent" and "child" processes [diagram: ex3 and child] so child and parent are initially identical! except: fork() returns a pid in parent, 0 in child a pid (process ID) is an integer; kernel gives each process a different pid $ ex3 thus: ex3.c's "fork() returned" executes in *both* processes the "if(pid == 0)" allows code to know if it's parent or child both processes run after the fork ok, fork() lets us create a new process how can we run a program in that process? * example: ex4.c, replace calling process with an executable file how does the shell run a program, e.g. $ echo a b c a program is stored in a file: instructions and initial memory created by the compiler and linker so there's a file called echo, containing instructions on your own computer: ls -l /bin/echo ex4.c exec() replaces current process with an executable file discards old instruction and data memory loads instructions and initial memory from the file preserves file descriptors $ ex4 exec(filename, argument-array) argument-array holds command-line arguments; exec passes to main() cat user/echo.c echo.c shows how a program looks at its command-line arguments exec() does not return if successful! * example: ex5.c, fork() a new process, exec() a program the shell can't simply call exec()! since it wouldn't be running any more wouldn't be able to accept more than one command ex5.c shows how the shell deals with this: fork() a child process child calls exec() parent wait()s for child to finish $ ex5 the shell does this fork/exec/wait for every command you type after wait(), the shell prints the next prompt exit(status) -> wait(&status) status allows children to send back 32 bits of info to parent status convention: 0 = success, 1 = command encountered an error note: the fork() copies, but exec() discards the copied memory this may seem wasteful you'll eliminate the waste in the "copy-on-write" lab * example: ex6.c, redirect the output of a command what does the shell do for this? $ echo hello > out answer: fork, child changes FD 1, child exec's echo $ ex6 $ cat out note: open() always chooses lowest unused FD; 1 due to close(1). note: exec preserves FDs fork, FDs, and exec interact nicely to implement I/O redirection separate fork-then-exec gives child a chance to change FDs before exec() gives up control and without disturbing parent's FDs FDs provide indirection commands just use FDs 0 and 1, don't have to know where they go thus: only sh knows about I/O redirection, not each program * It's worth asking "why" about design decisions: Why these I/O and process abstractions? Why not something else? Why provide a file system? Why not let programs use the disk their own way? Why FDs? Why not pass a filename to write()? Why not combine fork() and exec()? UNIX works well, but there are other good designs! * example: ex7.c, communicate through a pipe how does the shell implement $ ls | grep x an FD can refer to a "pipe", rather than a file the pipe() system call creates two FDs read from the first FD write to the second FD the kernel maintains a buffer for each pipe [u/k diagram] write() appends to the buffer read() waits until there is data $ ex7 * example: ex8.c, communicate between processes pipes combine with fork() to allow parent/child to communicate create a pipe, fork, parent writes to one pipe fd, child reads from the other. [diagram] $ ex8 the shell builds pipelines by forking twice and calling exec() pipes are a separate abstraction, but combine well w/ fork() * example: ex9.c, list files in a directory how does ls get a list of the files in a directory? you can open a directory and read it -> file names "." is a pseudo-name for a process's current directory $ ex9 see ls.c for more details * Next week - more about what happens when programs like this execute - more about C programming - first lab due next thursday, you'll use these system calls