6.097: Operating System Engineering - Fall 2002
Lecture notes
Use at your own risk:
Lecture 1: introduction
Lecture 2: introduction to x86
Lecture 3: address spaces
Lecture 4: OS structure
Lecture 5: x86 Memory Management
Lecture 6: Threads and context switching
Lecture 7: Entering and leaving the kernel
Lecture 8: x86 Interrupts/Exceptions
Lecture 9: Process abstraction and management
Lecture 10: Interprocess communication
Lecture 11: Input/Output
Lecture 12: File systems
Lecture 13: System call interface: exokernels
Lecture 14: System call interface:
Lecture 15: Coordination
Lecture 16: File systems
Lecture 17: Buffer cache
Lecture 18: Virtual memory
Lecture 19: Networking
Lecture 20: Virtualizing Processors
Lecture 21: Sensor OS
Lecture 22: OS Bugs