6.824 Fall 2001 Project Reports
- Jgss - A Kerberos Security Service Provider for Secure RMI, Jiang
- Chip: A Temporary, Memory Based Network Filesystem, Chambers, Shneidman, Steinbach
- DINX: A Decentralized Search Engine, Gassend, Gil, Song
- Infranet: Circumventing Web Censorship and Surveillance, Balazinska, Feamster, Harfst
- Tarzan: A Peer-to-Peer Anonymizing Network, Cates, Freedman, Sit
- pStore: A Secure Peer-to-Peer Backup System, Batten, Barr, Saraf, Trepetin
- sjsFS: A FTP-transparent User-Level File System, Cruz, Kim, Lustbader
- Fast Distributed Index Generator, Alatovic, Mobin, Snyder, Zhang
- Dude, Where's My Object?, Euresti, Saraswat, Tellex, Wu
- Distributed Browser Caching, Koo, Chan, Teo, Brown
- SFS-AIM, Chiu, Kwon, Pan, Park
- Techniques for Speeding Web Access in the Developing World, Chakrabarti, Jue, Kao, Langer
- FDIG - Fast distributed index generator, Kiriansky, Zhang, Carrillo, Raikman
- ConChord: Cooperative SDSI Certificate Storage and Name Resolution, Ajmani, Clarke, Moh, Richman
- Request Queue Scheduling for Graceful Load Management in Asynchronous Event-Driven Systems, Silber, Iwashima, Law
- BSFS: B-tree Structured File System, Chan, Klann, Robertson
- Distributable Functional Objects, Corwin, Lee, Vo, Woodfin
- Distributed Command Line Interface, Fried, Tibbetts
- Flexible Access Control Lists in SFS, Chungfat, Lin, Pavel, Yip
- libasync-mp: A Multiprocessor Aware C++ Asynchronous Programming Library, Friedman, Pick, Rosen, Hastings
- Aljeda: A self organizing, hierarchical, polymorphic, distributed peer to peer file sharing system, Rabek, Plummer, Berkovich
- SQUNK: Stages, Queues 'N Kontrollers, a high performance
network application toolkit, Kumar, Maharaj, Torlak