6.824 - Spring 2013

6.824 Lab 1: Lock Server

Due: Feb 11, 5:00pm


The labs in 6.824 will give you experience designing, building, and debugging distributed systems. The labs will focus on fault tolerance, since that is perhaps the most difficult and important aspect of distributed systems.

In this lab you'll build a lock service that can keep operating despite a single "fail-stop" failure of a server. Clients will talk to your lock service via RPC. Clients can use two RPC requests: Lock(lockname) and Unlock(lockname). The lock service maintains state about an open-ended set of named locks. If a Lock(lockname) request arrives at the service and the named lock is not held, or has never been used before, the lock service should remember that the lock is held, and return a successful reply to the client. If the lock is held, the service should return an unsuccessful reply to the client. If a client sends Unlock(lockname), the service should mark the named lock as not held. If the lock had been held, the service should return a successful reply to the client; otherwise an unsuccessful reply.

Your lock service will be replicated on two servers, a primary and a backup. If there has been no failure, clients will send lock and unlock requests to the primary, and the primary will forward them to the backup. The point is for the backup to maintain state identical to that of the primary (i.e., the primary and backup states should agree about whether each lock is held or free).

The only failure your system is required to tolerate is a single fail-stop server failure. A fail-stop failure means that the server halts. There are no other kinds of failure in this lab (for example, clients don't fail, the network doesn't fail, all network messages to non-crashed servers are delivered, and a server fails only by halting, not by computing incorrectly). Servers are never repaired in this lab -- once a primary or backup has failed, it will stay failed.

If a client cannot get a response from the primary, it should contact the backup instead. If the primary cannot get a response from the backup while forwarding client requests, the primary should stop forwarding client requests to the backup.

The failure model in this lab (no network failures, no server repair) is so restricted that your lock service won't be much use in practice; subsequent labs will be able tolerate a much wider range of failures.

Collaboration Policy

You must write all the code you hand in for 6.824, except for code that we give you as part of the assignment. You are not allowed to look at anyone else's solution, and you are not allowed to look at code from previous years. You may discuss the assignments with other students, but you may not look at or copy each others' code. Please do not publish your code or make it available to future 6.824 students -- for example, please do not make your code visible on github.


You'll implement this lab (and all the labs) in Go. The Go web site contains lots of tutorial information which you may want to look at. We supply you with a partial lock server implementation (just the boring bits) and some tests.

You'll fetch the initial lab software with git (a version control system). To learn more about git, take a look at the git user's manual, or, if you are already familiar with other version control systems, you may find this CS-oriented overview of git useful.

The URL for the course git repository is http://am.lcs.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/6.824-2013/golabs-class.git. To install the files in your Athena account, you need to clone the course repository, by running the commands below. You must use an x86 or x86_64 Athena machine; that is, uname -a should mention i386 GNU/Linux or i686 GNU/Linux or x86_64 GNU/Linux. You can log into a public i686 Athena host with athena.dialup.mit.edu.

$ add git
$ git clone http://am.lcs.mit.edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/6.824-2013/golabs-class.git 6.824
$ cd 6.824
$ ls

Git allows you to keep track of the changes you make to the code. For example, if you want to checkpoint your progress, you can commit your changes by running:

$ git commit -am 'partial solution to lab 1'

Getting started

Compile the initial software we provide you and run our tests:

$ add 6.824
$ export GOROOT=/mit/6.824/src/go
$ cd ~/6.824/src/lockservice
$ go test
Test: Basic lock/unlock ...
--- FAIL: TestBasic (0.00 seconds)
test_test.go:14:        Lock(a) returned false; expected true
Test: Primary failure ...
--- FAIL: TestPrimaryFail1 (0.00 seconds)
test_test.go:14:        Lock(d) returned false; expected true
Test: Primary failure just before reply #1 ...
--- FAIL: TestPrimaryFail2 (2.00 seconds)

You'll see there are five files in the lockservice directory. common.go contains RPC request and response definitions for the Lock and Unlock RPCs. client.go contains Lock and Unlock stubs that are to be linked into client programs; these stubs talk to the lock service. The client code we've supplied you only contacts the primary; you'll have to modify client.go to switch to the backup if the primary seems to have failed. server.go contains the server code; it has a basic implementation of a Lock handler, not no Unlock handler, and no code to forward operations from the primary to the backup. Finally, test_test.go contains our test code; you should not modify it, but you'll need to look at it to see the details of what we're testing.

We've given you code that sends RPCs via "UNIX-domain sockets". This means that RPCs only work between processes on the same machine. It would be easy to convert the code to use TCP/IP-based RPC instead, so that it would communicate between machines; you'd have to change the first argument to calls to Listen() and Dial() to "tcp" instead of "unix", and the second argument to a port number like ":5100".

Your lock code is a library intended to be used in client and server programs. You can see source for simple lock server and client programs in ~/6.824/src/main/lockd.go and lockc.go. You can practice starting a primary and a backup server process, locking a few locks, then crashing the primary (with control-C) and observing that the backup server still thinks the locks are held. You should make sure your lock code works with lockd.go and lockc.go.

Your Job

Your job is to modify client.go, server.go, and common.go so that they pass the tests in test_test.go (which go test runs). When you're done you should see:
$ go test
Test: Basic lock/unlock ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure just before reply #1 ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure just before reply #2 ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure just before reply #3 ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure just before reply #4 ...
  ... Passed
Test: Primary failure just before reply #5 ...
  ... Passed
Test: Backup failure ...
  ... Passed
Test: Multiple clients with primary failure ...
  ... Passed
Test: Multiple clients, single lock, primary failure ...
  ... Passed

The above output omits some benign Go rpc errors.

Only RPC may be used for interaction between clients and servers, between different servers, and between different clients. For example, different instances of your server are not allowed to share Go variables or files.


Start by modifying client.go so that Unlock() is a copy of Lock(), but modified to send Unlock RPCs. You can test your code by inserting log.Printf()s into server.go.

Next, modify server.go so that the Unlock() function unlocks the lock. This should require only a few lines of code, and it will let you pass the first test.

Modify client.go so that it first sends an RPC to the primary, and if the primary does not respond, it sends an RPC to the backup.

Modify server.go so that the primary tells the backup about Lock and Unlock operations. Use RPC for this communication.

Now do something about the case in which the client sends to the primary, the primary forwards to the backup and then crashes, and the client re-sends the RPC to the backup -- which has now already seen the RPC.

It is OK to assume that each client application will only make one call to Clerk.Lock() or Clerk.Unlock() at a time. Of course there may be more than one client application, each with its own Clerk.

Remember that the Go RPC server framework starts a new thread for each received RPC request. Thus if multiple RPCs arrive at the same time (from multiple clients), there may be multiple threads running concurrently in the server.

You may find you want to generate numbers that have a high probability of being unique. Try this:

import "crypto/rand"
import "math/big"
func nrand() int64 {
  max := big.NewInt(int64(1) << 62)
  bigx, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, max)
  x := bigx.Int64()
  return x

The easiest way to track down bugs is to insert log.Printf() statements, collect the output in a file with go test > out, and then think about whether the output matches your understanding of how your code should behave. The last step is the most important.

If you fail a test, you may have to look at the test code in test_test.go to figure out the failure scenario is.

Handin procedure

Submit your code via the class's submission website, located here:


You may use your MIT Certificate or request an API key via email to log in for the first time.

Upload your code as a gzipped tar file by the deadline at the top of the page. To do this, execute these commands:

$ cd ~/6.824/src
$ tar czvf lab1-handin.tar.gz .
That should produce a file called lab1-handin.tar.gz. Upload that file to the submission website via the webpage or use curl and your API key:
$ curl -F file=@lab1-handin.tar.gz \
        -F key=XXXXXXXX \

You will receive full credit if your software passes the test_test.go tests when we run your software on our machines. We will use the timestamp of your last submission for the purpose of calculating late days.

Please post questions on Piazza.