6.824 2013 Lecture 16: Transparency, Network Objects, Plan 9 today: transparency remote objects Plan 9 we've seen many results of "the hard part of distrib computing is Z, let's design a technique/system to simplify Z" examples: RPC -- communication FDS/Spanner/&c -- storage Paxos -- replication, fault tolerance Argus -- atomic transactions DSM -- application programming common thread: transparency make remote look the same as local e.g. FDS makes data available on any client, regardless of location some systems target transparency directly often via naming -- can hide local/remote inside names example: network objects example: distributed operating systems, Plan 9 Network Objects Why is standard RPC not very transparent? arguments are passed by copying so it's not the same object! example: p = printers.find(printname) f = fs.open(filename) q = spooler.find(prio) q.add(p, f) if p.idle(): p.go(f) else: ... makes sense locally, but not with e.g. Go RPC e.g. if client and three servers (printer, FS, spooler) passing p and f won't work correctly work-around: pass names but then all modules have to explicitly know how to find named objects e.g. can't cook up a new Printer object that prints to local buffer better object support: network objects e.g. DEC Network Objects, CORBA, Java RMI "remote object references" each object is on some home server home gives object references to other machines any machine can use object reference in the usual way call method, pass as RPC argument, &c language runtime transparently forwards method calls to home server object refs as RPC return values c = cartserver.create() RPC for object methods c.add(item) pass remote object to any server warehouse.ship(c) references directly useable on any server warehouse.ship(c): c.list() how do network objects work? object reference is serverID+objID if server sends a local object to another machine (in RPC reply value, including if inside e.g. returned list/hashtable/&c) home server table mapping objID to object pointer creates a new objID actual reply value has serverID+objID, not pointer when a machine sees a remote object in an RPC reply create a local "stub" object stub has all the right methods and a slot containing serverID+objID RPC library returns pointer to stub object when a machine calls a method of a remote object really calling a method on the stub stub method implementations knows serverID, forward the method call when a machine passes a remote object reference in an RPC even if it's not the home, must include serverID+objID note: all RPC calls are object method calls in this style this is all about naming a local pointer is a name, but not useful remotely so introduce level of indirection map serverID/objID to server and local pointer when can a server free (garbage collect) an object? only when no client has a live reference server must learn when new client gets a reference and when client local ref count drops to zero so clients must send RPCs to server to note first/last knowledge are network objects useful? if you have lots of servers that interact they can eliminate lots of complexity program can use obj refs in usual way, rather than names but: performance -- can't directly use obj data, always remote methods fault tolerance -- not clear how to cope w/ crashed server, dangling refs persistence -- can't write an object ref to disk **** Why are we reading the Plan 9 paper? it's higher-level infrastructure for distributed computing RPC, DSM, storage are pretty low level this is about architecture and research style, not techniques and it's a story about using naming to gain transparency idea: distributed operating system single-machine O/S very successful takes care of scheduling, storage, mem mgt, security, &c universal platform for workstation/server/supercomputer why not distributed o/s as infrastructure for distributed systems? many projects in 80s/90s: plan9, amoeba, locus, v, ... common approach: pick a unifying abstraction use it to unify remote and local interaction -- transparency Plan 9: make everything look like a file system Who are the authors? same bell labs group that invented UNIX in the 1970s values: simplicity tools that work together (pipes, grep, ascii files) file-centric (/dev, stdin) use what you make -- but don't solve probs you don't have they liked the single-machine time-sharing environment easy to share, easy to administer fostered cooperation, community unhappy with 80s isolated PC/workstation model Big goals? computing environment for programmers, researchers use modern workstation/server/network hardware regain collaborative feel of single time-shared machine avoid per-workstation maintenance / config Sacrifices? willing to take years, little commercial/publishing pressure willing to tear up existing s/w if needed to get the *right* design this is a big deal in practice -- POSIX compatibility is a bummer willing to pool money to buy shared infrastructure willing to all play the same game (not e.g. everyone chooses own O/S) What did the Plan 9 system look like? [diagram] lots of cheap "terminals" cpu/mem/keyboard/display/net maybe no disk standard Plan 9 software only for interactive s/w (editors) not e.g. compiler sit down at any -- log in -- looks the same! LAN expensive compute servers file server (not much new at diagram level) The new part is the O/S design Unifying design principles: Everything is a file One protocol Private, malleable name spaces Everything is a file devices: mouse, audio, kbd, tape drive network: write "connect!23" to /net/tcp/0/ctl graphics windows: /dev/cons, /dev/mouse, /dev/bitblt process control: /proc/123/mem (ps, debuggers) backups ftp client /dev/time cs -- their DNS server Why is "everything a file" a good idea? one set of utilities (ls, cat, mount) manages lots of resources vs per-subsystem system calls, protocols, formats, &c less duplication of effort each kind of thing doesn't need its own naming, protection, &c potential for tools that work together like UNIX shell pipes grep emacs /proc/*/cmdline files/directories are nice for organizing and naming you can implement remote file access Why might "everything a file" be a *bad* idea? Only one protocol -- 9P (as opposed to every service has a different RPC interface) protocol needed to access network file servers &c system call -> kernel -> 9P -> network -> kernel -> user-level server (fuse lets you do this) RPCs: open, read, write, close, walk; names and FIDs an FID is like a file descriptor why FIDs rather than i-numbers? FIDs imply server state -- fault tolerance, crash recovery can mount a 9P server anywhere in local name space, e.g. /foo kernel maintains mount table: local name -> network connection all services speak 9P -- files, windows, names, network, ftp Why is "only 9P" a good idea? need some protocol make "everything a file" work across machines 9P replaces a host of specialized protocols since all services appear as files, all can be accessed remotely via 9P no need for special per-service protocols example: no need for X protocol mount workstation's /dev/mouse, /dev/bitblt on remote server graphics apps just r/w those files, 9P takes care of remoteness Why might "only 9P" be a *bad* idea? Private, malleable name spaces most machines have a single namespace, all processes see same namespace Plan 9 does not -- each process creates its own name space easy for processes to "mount" directories, files intention is that users customize to make it easy to find their resources conventions prevent chaos /dev/cons (my terminal) /dev/mouse /bin/date (executable for my architecture) Why customizable namespaces a good idea? remote exec on compute server can reproduce entire environment all resources via files + mimic local names mouse, display, audio, home directory, private files on "local" disk re-create someone else's environment, for debugging different s/w versions, perhaps from backup snapshots Why might customizable per-user namespace be a *bad* idea? i.e. why not do it like UNIX -- all users seem same file namespace? The three principles work together Everything is a file + share with 9P => can share everything e.g. mount cpu server's /proc locally, debug remote program Remote execution can duplicate local environment sit in front of a Plan 9 terminal cpu server command starts a local exportfs a 9P server, turns open &c requests into local system calls on the server: starts a process mounts the exportfs as the process's / so *everything* is the same as on the terminal: devices, local disk, windows, &c special case for /bin special case for main file server contrast to ssh, where remote machine may be very different other users of same compute server may see totally different file name space Other Plan 9 ideas (some of which other systems now have) /proc (really from UNIX 8th edition) union mounts utf-8 backups via snapshot to worm rfork Is Plan 9 the right thing for end-user computing? attractive for time-sharing enthusiasts high-powered PCs made the shared file/compute server less compelling laptops made the reliance on servers unattractive the Web totally changed what people used computers for collab programming &c -> access to Web services For distributed systems infrastructure? i.e. if you are google or facebook fault tolerance? scalable storage, services? big data computation? (based on notes by Russ Cox)