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 6 Using the TCP/UNIX Version of CRL

This section contains information relevant to building and using the TCP/UNIX version of CRL.

The TCP/UNIX version of CRL 1.0 was developed and debugged on a network of uniprocessor Sun SPARCstations (of various kinds) running SunOS 4.1.3. Interprocessor communication is effected over standard 10 Mbit/second ethernet using TCP sockets. We expect that the core elements of the TCP/UNIX version of CRL will work on other UNIX-like hardware/software platforms with only modest porting effort.

In order to use the TCP/UNIX version of CRL, PVM [5] must be installed on the system; this allows CRL to leverage off of the group and process management facilities provided by PVM instead of reimplementing them from scratch. Interestingly, this also allows applications running under the TCP/UNIX version of CRL to freely intermix invocations of CRL and PVM functionality (with one exception; see the description of crl_init in Section 6.2 below). We have tested CRL 1.0 against versions 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 of PVM.

The TCP/UNIX implementation included in CRL 1.0 is not intended to be a high-performance distributed shared memory implementation delivering speedups similar to those obtained with the Alewife and the CM-5 implementations. It is provided to allow development and experimentation by those without access to a CM-5 and to display the ease with which CRL may be ported.

6.1 Building CRL for TCP/UNIX

To build the TCP/UNIX version of CRL 1.0:

  1. Obtain a copy of the CRL 1.0 distribution (crl-1.0.tar.gz). This can be accomplished via links from the CRL World Wide Web page ( or via anonymous ftp from in pub/crl.

  2. Make a copy of crl-1.0.tar.gz in the directory where you want to install CRL 1.0; cd to that directory.

  3. The CRL 1.0 tar file is compressed using gzip (thus the .gz extension). Uncompress the tar file using gunzip:
     unix% gunzip crl-1.0.tar.gz
    This will produce an uncompressed version of crl-1.0.tar.gz named crl-1.0.tar (and will also remove the compressed version).

  4. Untar the distribution using tar xf:
     unix% tar xf crl-1.0.tar
    This will create a subdirectory of the current working directory called crl-1.0 and unpack the CRL 1.0 distribution into it.

  5. cd into the CRL 1.0 src directory:
     unix% cd crl-1.0/src
    This directory contains the sources for the CRL library.

  6. Edit Makefile.TCPUNIX and set the PVM_ROOT variable to point to the PVM home directory.

  7. Use the make utility and the supplied Makefile.TCPUNIX file to build the CRL 1.0 object file (libcrl.o) for the TCP/UNIX version of CRL:
     unix% make -f Makefile.TCPUNIX
    Once this completes, you are done building CRL. Applications intended for use with the TCP/UNIX version of CRL should be linked against the resulting object file (libcrl.o).

To build and run the example application shown in Appendix A:

  1. cd to the apps/example subdirectory of the top-level CRL 1.0 directory (crl-1.0). If you have just finished following the directions given above for building CRL, this would be accomplished by something like:
     unix% cd ../apps/example

  2. Use the make utility and the supplied Makefile.TCPUNIX file to compile the application and link it against the necessary object files (e.g., libcrl.o) and libraries (e.g., those needed for PVM). You may need to edit Makefile.TCPUNIX and change the PVM_ROOT and PVM_ARCH variables.
     unix% make -f Makefile.TCPUNIX

  3. If the PVM daemons are not running or the PVM virtual machine is not setup yet, start the PVM daemon on the local machine with:
     unix% pvm
    This should put you in the PVM console application. The help command will give a short description of each console command. The most useful for us are Use the add command to create the virtual machine. There are two common problems when using add to add hosts: For more information on starting up PVM, please see the online book on the WWW at The web page also contains instructions for obtaining a postscript version of the book (which is more complete than the online version).

  4. In order for PVM to spawn processes successfully, it is necessary to add the following to your .cshrc file:
     setenv PVM_ROOT /home/crl/pvm3
     setenv PVM_ARCH `$PVM_ROOT/lib/pvmgetarch`
     set path=($path $PVM_ROOT/lib/$PVM_ARCH \
               ~/pvm3/bin/$PVM_ARCH $PVM_ROOT/bin/$PVM_ARCH)
    The first setenv should set PVM_ROOT to wherever PVM is installed on your local system.

  5. If the example binary can be found in your $path (e.g., by adding a symbolic link to it from ~/pvm3/bin/$PVM_ARCH and running rehash), then the sample applications can be started simply by executing the application. Because of the way that pvm_app.c is written, no relative pathnames can be used when invoking the executable (e.g., ./example won't work); only executable names or absolute pathnames are acceptable.
     unix% example

Applications in the other subdirectories of crl-1.0/apps can be compiled and run in a similar manner.

 6.2 Platform-Specific Issues

In order to enable leveraging off of PVM's group and process management functionality, the interface to crl_init is slightly different under the TCP/UNIX version of CRL:

void crl_init(char *groupname)
groupname is the name of the PVM process group upon which CRL should be initialized; crl_init should be called by all member processes simultaneously. crl_init should be called before any CRL functionality is utilized.

No node should call crl_init before all the other nodes have joined the PVM group. After CRL has been initialized, no process is allowed to leave the group (nor are new processes allowed to join it). Also, the instance number assigned to each process must be consecutively assigned from 0 to crl_num_nodes-1. This could only be a problem if processes had previously left the group.

In the TCP/UNIX version of CRL, crl_init will block until network connections have been established with all other processes in the PVM group. If insufficient network resources are available to establish these connections, CRL will probably die catastrophically instead of doing something useful (e.g., returning an error code or printing a useful error message).

In order to ensure graceful and coordinated termination of a group of PVM processes running CRL, the TCP/UNIX implementation also provides a crl_exit function to ensure that all nodes exit cleanly and help eliminate mysterious errors.

void crl_exit(void)
Clean up after CRL and coordinate a graceful termination with other PVM processes in the same CRL group. crl_exit should be called before a process exists (but after it has finished using all CRL functionality).

The sample main() in apps/pvm.common/pvm_app.c is an example of how to start an application using the TCP/UNIX version of CRL. All of the applications included in the apps directory use this sample main(). See the README file in apps/pvm.common for information on what main() is doing. In general, an application using the TCP/UNIX implementation of CRL must do the following during startup:

  1. Enroll the application with PVM: pvm_mytid()
  2. Join a PVM group: pvm_joingroup(GROUP)
  3. Wait for other processes to join the PVM group: pvm_barrier(GROUP, numnodes)
  4. Initialize CRL: crl_init()

The applications (or symbolic links to the applications) spawned by the PVM process management code must be available in the path searched by PVM.

Even though an application may be started from an arbitrary place in the filesystem, each of the processes spawned by PVM initially executes in the user's home directory. Unless the working directory of the spawned application is changed (using standard C library calls), any files accessed by the application must have pathnames relative to the home directory.

The Makefiles supplied for use with the TCP/UNIX version of CRL 1.0 assume that the GNU C compiler (gcc) is available. If gcc is not available in your local environment or you would like to use a different C compiler, you will need to edit the Makefile.TCPUNIX files in crl-1.0/src and crl-1.0/apps/* and change the CC = gcc lines to name the C compiler that should be used instead.

The TCP/UNIX version of CRL 1.0 uses SIGIO to implement active-message-like functionality using TCP sockets. Mixing CRL with source code that manipulate signals for other reasons should only be done with the greatest of care.

6.3 Obtaining PVM

Further information about PVM (including sources) can be obtained via the PVM World Wide Web Home Page (

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23 August 1995