Xv6, a simple Unix-like teaching operating system


Xv6 is a teaching operating system developed in the summer of 2006, which we ported xv6 to RISC-V for a new undergraduate class 6.1810.

Xv6 sources and text

The latest xv6 source and text are available via
git clone https://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv.git
git clone https://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv-book.git

Unix Version 6

xv6 is inspired by Unix V6 and by:

The following are useful to read the original code:


If you are interested in using xv6 or have used xv6 in a course, we would love to hear from you. If there's anything that we can do to make xv6 easier to adopt, we'd like to hear about it. We'd also be interested to hear what worked well and what didn't.

Russ Cox (rsc@swtch.com)
Frans Kaashoek (kaashoek@mit.edu)
Robert Morris (rtm@mit.edu)

You can reach all of us at 61810-staff@lists.csail.mit.edu.

Questions or comments regarding 6.1810? Send e-mail to the course staff at 61810-staff@lists.csail.mit.edu.

Creative Commons License Top // 6.1810 home // Last updated Monday, 19-Aug-2024 10:43:03 EDT